Drop Shipping

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product.

The biggest difference between dropshipping and the standard retail model is that the selling merchant doesn't stock or own any inventory. Instead, the merchant purchases inventory as needed from a third party (usually a wholesaler or manufacturer) to fulfill orders.

Maian Cart has a basic drop shipping system that sends notification to drop shippers to ship products. Notifications are ONLY sent when a payment is confirmed as completed. So, for example, if a none payment gateway method is used (Phone / Cheque / Bank Transfer / COD), the drop shipping system is ignored. In this case you should manually trigger the drop shipping emails via the sale product screen.
Add Drop Shipper
Enter name and email addresses for drop shipper. Comma delimit multiple emails.
Only Send Drop Ship Notification for Following Payment Statuses
Will ONLY send email notification if the sale item has a certain payment status. No selections = ALL.
Only Send Drop Ship Notification for Following Payment Methods
Will ONLY send email notification if the sale item has a certain payment method. No selections = ALL.
If Order Contains Drop Ship Products From This Drop Shipper Set Status To
Updates sale status if at least one product in sale has been drop shipped to this drop shipper.
Manage Drop Shippers
Use the links provided to edit or delete drop shippers.
Email Template Override
By default the email template for all drop shippers is:

content/language/*country language*/email-templates/drop-shipping-confirmation.txt

If you need to add specific info in the email for a drop shipper you can create an override template. Instructions as follows:

You need to create a new template for drop shipper ID 1:

1 Create a new file with ID appended. Use same vars in email as original.

2 Save file "drop-shipping-confirmation-1.txt" in same folder.

Done, now file "drop-shipping-confirmation-1.txt" will be used.