User Defined Options

User Defined Options
Besides the admin settings, there are a number of user editable options in the system which may be of some use. Some of these options may appear in the settings at a later date, but for now are located in the following files:


So that future versions don't alter your settings back to the default you should make a copy of the 'options.php' file and name is 'user-options.php'. The system will look for the 'user-options.php' file first. You should do this for both of files shown above.
How to Edit Files
Use a good quality text editor to edit files, NOT a word processor. Make sure your text editor is set NOT to save with the BOM (Byte Order Mark). Some excellent free text editors are: PSPad, Notepad++, RJ TextEd, CudaText & SynWrite. Plain old notepad is also fine.